YoLeo App - Digital Learning Resource for Kids

YoLeo App - Digital Learning Resource for Kids

YoLeo is a Digital Learning Resource for kids of kindergarten and basic education, which helps in learning vowels, the alphabet, numbers and words through lessons and reading and writing challenges in spanish.

This application is free to use and is available on Google Play for Android devices.

YoLeo App disponible en Google Play

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Indications - YoLeo App

An app where boys and girls take lessons and challenges in learning letters, numbers and words through audio and voice recognition through the microphone of a smartphone.

To read, you must hold down the Microphone button while reading the word (like when you record an audio), then when you release the button, check if the word has been read correctly.


To write you must press the button to listen to the word and write it in the text box, it is important to listen carefully and respect the spelling.

The application does not need an internet connection, except for the Read section due to the use of the microphone.

Lessons provide a space for them to listen to and visualize vowels, the alphabet, numbers, and words with pictures

Back to the previous word or letter.
Advance to the next word or number.
Listen to the word, letter or number that is presented.
MayusculasChange to upper/lower case
Transform to uppercase and lowercase the letter or word.

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  • For the Education

Developed by Vladimir Salguero
© 2021